Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Keep Love Real

"Keep love real, it endures time no matter how long..."
This is a line from a song I heard just few days back. It was actually sung by two Ilonggo artists. but what caught my attention was the lyrics and the message that the song sents out. It is really a touching song. What amaze me even more is how this song reflects of what happened that day. To tell you the details, be prepared. Its a long story.

You see it was a Monday. I had a lot of requirements to submit. My day started the same doing the usual routine: taking a bath, changing my clothes, eating breakfast, brush my teeth and went to school. But i know that specific day would be something special. When i arrive at school, i saw the usual faces of te usual people i see everyday. Damn it! What a disappoinment it was. But nonetheless i pursue my day. And as the day went on, i was getting weary of waiting of what could happen in that special day. During lunch break, i heard the song. it touch the entirety of the populace eating at Pandora's, a small carinderia beside the Atrium Mall. I was awed with the song. then it hit me, today was my special someone's birthday. you see folks, besides the face that i put on everyday is the reality that i am somewhat feminine (just to put it nicely). and yes i am into a relationship. i called my special someone and said my apology for not being the first to greet him.

Keeping love real for me is withstanding any obstacles and waiting for that right person. Fortunately, i found mine already. I know that the person i care for so much knows it too. though we are far apart from each other and seemed to be busy always, our love is REAL. Cool right!

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